Fahrenheit temperature and Kelvin changing in Celsius temperature with out in speech If you want of this source code in java language so click on it Get How to speech of output : first we need to import gtts and playsound package in python our code editer because in this program we want to speech of every output . then we will save of this variable with obj.save( "any_name.mp3" ) and we also want to speech of this. after saving of this. we write like this playsound( "any_name.mp3" ) for speech of obj.save. It is only for Text speech you can also use of this code-source for text -speech #librery which by we can change text in speech in present of internt your system from gtts import gTTS #import playsound for play text speech from playsound import playsound #syntax of this is variable_name=gTTS(text="your text ", lang='language' ,slow=True or False) obj=gTTS( text = "text here for speeching ok my dear " , lang = '...